"she is so smart... and SEXY!!" -- top reviewer
I write to you all tipsy off gin and fancy drinkmixer (Thank you, JM.) as I finish up the very first implementation of CSS styling for this web site. It is still EXCRUCIATINGLY UGLY, but less so than it was previous. I hope my choice of colors does not make your eyes bleed, for whatever it is worth. I still have some plans to do the following:
I hope you enjoy the website just a little bit more because of the styling. This is a very fun project, and I look forward to adding more things that you can interact with :3
I have been very busy as of late, and it has been hard to knock down my tasks one at a time. I think I function better when all my work stuff is done at one computer, and for me that computer is my 2015 14 inch MacBook Pro. I struggle to stay on task, usually, so when I have my big shiny desktop computer in front of me I invariably get distracted with a game or go down any number of rabbit holes at my leisure. I love my gaming pc, don't get me wrong, but I just cannot do work as effectively on it. There is also the issue of my files not being shared across the Win11/MacOS divide, and this can be a headache. MacOS makes pdf editing VERY easy with the free tools that are pre-installed, but my Win11 gaming pc is better at video editing and holding my legally obtained videos and music safely. It is admittedly very tempting to use what is oestensibly a jet turbine to drive to school and back, but sometimes you don't need something that extravangant. I had to type up some essays tonight and send emails, and my MacBook gets the job done far better than anything else I own. The keyboard is spacious and useful, the screen is plenty big, and since I replaced the battery it usually lasts me for quite some time without worry if I *need* to charge it from one day to the next. I also rock an iPhone 13 mini that is delightfully compact, so using the macbook for big girl tasks-- emails, essays, sheet music assembly-- and leaving the monster tasks like video editing to the desktop keeps me focused and on-task. It is very satisfying to use a device without distraction, because ultimately that is what it is there to do, get the job done and make life a liiitle easier.
Welp, here is the very first post I am making here. I hopefully will find a way to really update this in a manner that isnt clunky or cumbersome. I really do not know what I am doing, but I think that is ok, so long as you get the idea. I really do wanna keep this page updated, I like sharing things I have to say, whatever its worth (probably not a whole lot).
I am thinking of just spouting on about stuff I enjoy-- Maybe an Album I really liked listening to, or documenting a project I recently worked on. I am open to suggestions-- I'd put my email here but I'd rather not get bombed sooooo maybe a proxy email to drop your suggestions. Thanks.